Friday, October 20, 2006

The Headbutt Heard Around the World!!

No, I am not talking about soccer player Zinedine Zidane's great headbutt to the Italian from the World Cup (although he is an inspiration to us all). No, no, no junior. I'm talking about the one, the only, Olympic God Medalist, Kurt frickin Angle!! Kurt's headbutt not only made a huge impact on Samoa Joe but to all the wrestling fans in the world (would have definitely made Zinedene Zidane proud). I say this as a shock because Kurt Angle has had neck surgery and many other injuries out there and then he goes for the juggernaut that is of a Samoan (coconut) head!! Definitely the greatest moment of wrestling this year on cable TV. To view, click here and scroll down (also recommended from the show is Chris Jericho's music video "Enemy" that features great music from Chris and great TNA video montage packages!!).

The show, TNA Impact. Samoa Joe refuses to relinquish the TNA/NWA World Title but that was no surprise... until the entrance of one Kurt Angle!! May I add, a pretty sweet entrance video and bad ass entrance. The Impact audience went absolutely beserk! The TNA fans are the best and rowdiest fans in wrestling but Kurt Angle's entrance was the most bonkers I've seen the fans react. Damn, I wish I was there! If that wasn't enough, the intense stare down between Angle and Joe stirred up more of my and the fans' interest and then Angle explodes on Joe with a VERY STIFF headbutt!! (They slow-motioned the replay and it was sick)! Immediately after the headbutt, Joe's forehead is gushing with blood!! Crowd's now on a rampage fever!! Then an Olympic Slam!! Holy Shit!! This is awesome!! TNA! TNA!! TNA!!! Kurt then grabs the NWA Title and the excitement is incredible. A bloody Samoa Joe gets up and Enzygiri kicks Angle in the head. Brawl insues and officials try to break it up as the crowd is still going beserk!!

Seriously, Kurt Angle is the craziest mo'fo out in wrestling. What's to come at the Bound For Glory PPV this Sunday... I can only imagine (it's a damn shame the Tigers World Series game will be happening at the same time in Detroit and it would be a disaster if attendance/PPV buyrates go down before this because I really think this is "the Wrestlemania" of wrestling)...

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