Saturday, August 11, 2007

Full Shit River

Fucking Full Tilt Poker aka FullShitPoker cooler here... We get it all in on the turn, I have 2 pair and the nut low and a gut shot wheel draw (5 ball needed: river pocket)... I surprised he had a set of 7s (put him on an A-A-x-x or an A-2-x-x) but none the less I am guaranteed the low as long as an Ace or a deuce comes off (He has 2 aces in the whole I have one, so one ace as an out and I have a deuce so 3 outs or less pending if anyone else had a deuce and no more that 4 outs to counterfeit), but of course, I think you know what happened on the river: the FTP aka FSP fucking river counterfeit!!

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